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Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Myth of Osteoporosis

Taken from: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/osteoporosis.htm#milk2)

Contrary to the medical marketing hype, synthetic hormonal drugs, dairy products and most calcium supplements actually weaken the bones and have other harmful effects on health.

We know that countries where dairy consumption is low (Thailand) have almost no osteoporosis while nations eating lots of dairy products (Germany, Scandanavia, United States) are afflicted with an epidemic of osteoporosis. I think that terminating the high protein intake from dairy products and meat when Dr. Graham switched to eating a raw diet could have permitted Dr. Graham’s bones to restore the proper balance of minerals (calcium, magnesium) needed for strong bones. Over a period of time the bony spurs in his neck vertebrae might disappear. Reversal of arthritic problems by an alkalinizing diet full of fruit and vegetables is a worthwhile endeavor for all persons suffering from arthritis.

Women are constantly bombarded with the message that the war on bone loss must include calcium supplements and a daily consumption of calcium-rich foods, primarily dairy products. Doctors strongly recommend long-term use of (synthetic) oestrogen to the postmenopausal woman, and, if additional help is required, suggest the use of bone-building drugs like Fosamax. So, armed with this powerful arsenal, a woman is assured that she will walk tall and fracture-free through the latter part of her life. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. The Myth of Osteoporosis debunks many of the myths surrounding osteoporosis, including:

The myth that all women over the age of 50 are at risk for osteoporosis.

The myths that osteoporosis is the cause of fractures in the elderly and that fractures in the elderly are deadly.

The myth that the diagnosis of osteoporosis as a measure of low bone density is accurate, valid, and reliable.

The myth that high calcium and dairy intake prevents osteoporosis.

The myth that osteoporosis can be safely prevented and treated with drugs.

The Myth of Osteoporosis details how the World Health Organization’s controversial decision to change the definition of osteoporosis effectively labeled millions of well women as having osteoporosis. The book casts doubt on the bone densitometry technology that supposedly screens for osteoporosis. Sanson also reveals the paradox of many current osteoporosis drug treatments: They do not benefit the majority of people taking them, and, in some cases, may exacerbate a patient’s condition.
* Four worldwide epidemiological surveys show that the nations that consume the most calcium have the highest rates of hip fracture.
* One epidemiological study correlated hip fractures with the amount of animal and vegetable protein various countries consume. As animal food consumption increases, so do hip fractures.
* Since 1975, 136 trials have explored calcium’s effects on osteoporotic fracture risk. Two-thirds of these studies show that high calcium intake yields no reduction in the number of fractures–even if people begin taking calcium (with vitamin D) during childhood.
* In one study, Harvard researchers surveyed diet and hip fractures among 72,337 older women for 18 years. They concluded, “Neither milk nor a high-calcium diet appears to reduce [fracture] risk.”
* Another Harvard team analyzed seven trials that followed 170,991 women for several years and found “no association between total calcium intake and hip fracture risk.”

A way to prevent osteoporosis without costly drugs, extensive supplements and expensive treatments. Instead of treating symptoms, Dr. Appleton looks at the cause. Through the principle of balancing body chemistry, Dr. Appleton shows us what we do to bring on calcium loss and what we can do to correct the problem. She offers a sensible food plan as well as many delicious recipes.

The bone-thinning condition called osteoporosis can lead to small and not-so-small fractures. Although many people think of calcium in the diet as good protection for their bones, this is not at all the whole story. In fact, in a 12-year Harvard study of 78,000 women, those who got the most calcium from dairy products actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk. Similarly, a 1994 study of elderly men and women in Sydney, Australia, showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk. Those with the highest dairy product consumption had approximately double the risk of hip fracture compared to those with the lowest consumption. To protect your bones you do need calcium in your diet, but you also need to keep calcium in your bones. more...

Study show that women who got the most calcium from dairy products actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk. The dairy industry spends several billion dollars each year trying to convince you that you can't live without your two glasses of pasteurized, homogenized milk each day. The fact is that animal protein inhibits the absorption of calcium. Women from third world countries who have a very low calcium intake combined with a low intake of animal protein, including dairy, have much less of an incidence of osteoporosis. A study to determine the effects of milk consumption on the calcium metabolism of healthy postmenopausal women funded by the National Dairy Council showed that drinking three 8-ounce glasses of low fat milk a day for one year failed to create a positive calcium balance in these women. It is much better to supplement with magnesium, and eat minimal animal protein after menopause. Is Dairy Dangerous?

If you think your kids need milk to grow strong bones, it's time for a second opinion. A comprehensive review article published in Pediatrics in 2005 showed that getting extra calcium—from milk or anything else—makes no difference in bone density in children or young adults. And evidence shows that dairy product consumption contributes to obesity, ear infections, constipation, respiratory problems, heart disease, and some cancers. A major study shows that the amount of calcium girls consumed during the teen years had no impact on bone strength. Exercise, however, had a huge positive effect. For strong bones, kids need weight-bearing activity, sunlight, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. And there's healthy calcium in fortified juices, greens, beans, and many other foods that avoid milk's problems. http://www.strongbones.org/

So now ya know - and you can't not know....ever again. :)


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