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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wrapping up 2010!


That holiday season flew by! Well, it's all over but the recycling in our house. New Year's Eve is the last stop on our wrapping up 2010 and then we'll be venturing headlong into 2011! We are excited to be accomplishing alot of necessary tasks - one of which will be detoxing ourselves of the nibblies we consumed during Christmas! Yes, we did partake - but not surprisingly, we managed to eat less crap than we have in the past years. We feel great!

Instead of a dinner plate consisting of ONLY a giant turkey breast, mountain of mashed potatoes and a swimming pool of gravy floating the entire mess, I opted for a greener plate! I had a small serving of turkey (breakin' up is hard to do!), a couple of tablespoons of potatoes (with a little gravy) and half my plate was salad and vegetables. I was proud! I did drink two glasses of juice though - and regardless of what the label SAYS, I know it's crap. We'll explain why (and the formula for this discovery) in a later post!

So with the holidays fading, I still feel AWESOME. Hubby says we are far healthier going into Christmas than ever before - and we didn't go completely food bananas. We also know that it can't continue - I already feel a dull ache in my kidneys thanks to the Raspberry 7-Up I thought would be 'festive.' My brain knows how festive poison can be - yet my body said have one! I had one....and it was my last.

Overall, it was an inspiring holiday! We visited with the people in our lives and had a blast!

When we had a day to ourselves, we crashed and watched an amazing video called "Processed People." It really makes you think! Released in 2008 and full of amazing information that we all need to be well! It really enlightens a person and makes them responsible for the choices they make when it comes to 'food.'

Click the following link to watch:


This video is truly phenominal - an eye opener - an epiphany. It may just be yours......

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